Most Millennial Media

Classically curious, delightfully unfocused media

Who we are.

We're a small independent media company with a healthy dose of sarcasm and a passion for unfiltered authenticity. We believe in capturing the rich tapestry of everyday life by, well, simply living it.

Whether you're seeking insightful interviews, relatable rants, or simply want to peek into the lives of strangers (because, let's be honest, it's the most millennial thing to do), we've got you covered.

We invite you to explore our websites, listen to our podcast, check out our new YouTube channel, and engage in the conversation by submitting your ideas.

Our Projects


Our OG project: the podcast! Where we explore the modern experience of being a Millennial. Check it out below.

YouTube Channel

Our newest project where we delve into the music scene of America and document our experiences along the way.


Have any ideas that you want us to cover? We’d love to hear about them! Please submit via the button below.

Like what we do? Want to support us and see your dollars spent on frivolity and millennial trinkets?